Song of Andoumboulou: 40 Asked his name, he said, "Stra, short for Stranger." Sang it. Semisaid, semisung. "Stronjer?" I asked, semisang, half in jest. "Stronger," he whatsaid back. Knotted highness, loquat highness, rope turned inward, tugged. Told he'd someday ascend, he ascended, weather known as Whatsaid Rung... Climb was all anyone was, he went on, want rode our limbs like soul, he insisted, Nut's unremitting lift... Pocketed rock's millenarian pillow... Ideas on Mackey's Work: "Mackey writing of a ‘we’ who floated ‘boatlike, / birdlike’ (p.21), and on the third line the words ‘Semisaid, semisung’ give thematic prominence to this idea of a hybrid art." Notes on the poem: -paratactic lines (lines that are shorter without subordination) - alliteration is important -his work is in liminal space between music and poetry - sonic enjambment -manipulates lines by using homonyms… -many words seem to function as musical notes…. -motivated rhythms…Mackey chooses words and sounds to propel the poetry without necessarily considering the word itself…you could scan the work, but the prosody of his poetry is reliant on sonics—on musical beats— the words continue to trace back to other words within the poem. "Instrumental play, poetic play; consider the noun ‘Andoumboulou’, which are spirits invoked at funerals within Dogon cosmogony…"
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